Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Plate is Rather Full...

... but I thought I'd drop by, and provide a couple of updates. First off, the new Singapore Slingers CD is in the final tweaking stages - Matt is polishing up the last of the liner notes, and the illustrations for the cover are complete. A touch of digital magic, and the separately-drawn album title will be added to the cover. I am distinctly fond of the results - like the last warm breeze of an Indian summer, the colors and lines are fluid and soothing. I can't wait to see the CDs arrive in early May, finished and professionally-manufactured - once that happens, I'll post the illustration (and ordering link) here. It goes without saying that the recordings are downright delicious.

Over the coming week, weather permitting, I'll be working on the hand-painted sign project that came along recently. Up to this point, the progress has been on paper exclusively - making certain that my client is happy with the overall appearance, before enlarging it to a 4 x 11' exterior painting. If I fail to update the blog over the next week (or two, should it rain), it's likely I'm spending more time on a scaffold than I had expected. Of course, the payoff is that I'll post the results here - and while the project is very basic (simple white-on-red letters/numbers), I'm sure to be proud of it. If nothing else, it will give me the opportunity to use elastomeric paints - and I am very excited about that.

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