Friday, May 18, 2012

Busy, busy, busy

 (A new obsession?  You bet...)

 Can you believe it's been since January that I posted?  Ridiculous, and inexcusable... but hell, I'm back, and happy to be here. 

First of all, I have a new blog: - focused on my hermit crabitat, and efforts to find new homes for hermit crabs in the process of relocation.  The needs of these beasts are largely misunderstood, and I'm doing what I can to help folks learn about how to care for them properly.  Perhaps a bit off the wall - but these animals have won me over just about as much as retired greyhounds have.  Crustacean compassion, as it were.

I'm beyond thrilled to say that yes, I am busy - in truth, currently working on a new book illustration project.  What with the usual time that needs to pass through the planning stage, I was hesitant to mention it, but the project is moving along in earnest, and I'm very, very excited to be a part of it.  More to come - you'll have to wait for the Big Reveal, just like everyone else!

With the coming summer season, I'm also preparing to work up some new patterns - and I still have yet to feature some of last year's work!  A fashion show of sorts is in the near future - stay tuned. 

Matt's work with the orchestra and smaller bands has been going gangbusters, and they're sounding better and better with every performance.  As well, he has a new album out - visit for the information.  New venues, new audiences and more - and a marvelous show coming up in August.  Again, keep your eyes on the updates...

 (Let's face it - there's no avoiding this man when you visit this blog.)

 We were ecstatic to finally hear the New Leviathan Oriental Fox Trot Orchestra (THE inspiration behind the Singapore Slingers) at a recent performance in Lafayette, Louisiana - the impeccable sound of this ensemble, on a beautiful spring afternoon... remarkable.  It was a true red-eye drive - six hours there, listen, dance and catch up with George, Patty and the group - and turn right back around for home.  And well worth it, I assure you.  We will be visiting New Orleans soon enough - until then, this was a well-appreciated taste of what we really, really dig.

(The whole Magilla.)

A brief update, but it IS 1am, and the crabs are calling with their nocturnal antics.  I promise to drag myself away from them long enough to post new photos, and let you know of what else we're up to.  Until then, check out my other blog, and consider Googling and purchasing a Leviathan album or two.  Divine musicianship!

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